Talk to a fraud fighter

Security Department

The unspoken heroes in the fight against fraud.

The role of security in digital fraud.

The role of security teams within financial institutions has significantly transformed, moving beyond mere network protection and prevention of data leaks to actively engaging in fraud and financial crime management. This development reflects a broader strategy of managing digital risks that companies are adopting.

Pressures are mounting to increase profits, streamline processes, and improve customer satisfaction and convenience.

Advancements such as mobile banking applications and quicker transaction services have broadened the potential for security breaches, making financial systems prime targets for cybercriminals. As a result, security teams are increasingly working in tandem with fraud prevention and anti-money laundering (AML) units, weaving fraud and financial crime prevention into their overarching business strategies.

As banks and financial entities advance their digital capabilities, they face new vulnerabilities.

Innovating in the approach to tackling fraud and financial crime, ThreatMark presents a holistic solution. By analyzing data related to applications, user behavior, devices, and transactions across all digital interactions, it effectively removes the silos between cybersecurity, fraud, and AML functions. This cohesive approach improves the effectiveness of identifying, addressing, and researching security threats.


How ThreatMark supports Security teams

Login Biometry Anomaly

The keystroke dynamics observed during the login process differ from the previously recorded ones in this client’s history. Such a variance could imply that the account is being accessed by a different user, possibly another legitimate user or someone with access to the credentials. Alternatively, it might signal a malicious scenario where an attacker has illicitly obtained the credentials and is attempting unauthorized access to the victim’s account.


Strong & Invisible Authentication

Financial institutions face the challenge of balancing secure authentication with customer experience. The use of outdated authentication methods results in increased friction without necessarily improving security.

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Mobile Biometry Anomaly

Mobile behavioral biometry is continuous user verification. Each user has a unique pattern of how he holds his phone, operates it, and makes touch gestures. Based on this pattern we can tell if current visit data matches previously observed patterns obtained during previous visits.


Session Hijacking

Session hijacking is a common fraudulent technique that gives fraudsters complete control over a victim’s account. The fraudsters intercept and take control of a user’s session token while logged in, leaving the victim unaware until their money is gone.

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ThreatMark Global Coverage

40+ million online users protected.

ThreatMark’s Cyber Fraud Fusion Center stands at the forefront of fighting cyber threats, such as phishing and malware, with its expertise, tools, and intelligence.

Cyber Fraud Fusion Centre

Traditional fraud prevention tools are no longer enough.

Speak with a ThreatMark Fraud Fighter to find out more about our comprehensive approach to fraud disruption.